Calvert County Health Department

- Adult Evaluation Reviews (AERS)
- Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
- Developmental Disabilities Program
- Health Equity Program
- Health Insurance Programs
- Home and Community-Based Services
- Maternal and Child Health
- Medical Assistance Program
- Medical Assistance Transportation Program
- Reproductive Health
- Reproductive Health Clinic Schedule
- Child Safety Seats
- Colorectal Cancer Awareness & Screening
- Diabetes and Prediabetes
- E-Cigarettes and Vaping
- Heart Health
- Injury Prevention
- Oral Cancer Prevention
- Poison Prevention
- Responsible Tobacco Retailer Program
- Skin Cancer Awareness
- Tobacco Cessation Program
- Stroke Awareness
- Tobacco Cessation for Pregnant Women
- Tobacco Use Prevention

Calvert Center for Change

The Calvert Center for Change is a comprehensive sexual assault and domestic violence program. We provide crisis planning, counseling, advocacy, access to shelter, and facilitate educational and community awareness programs.
The Calvert Center for Change believes it is the right of every individual to live free of the fear of abuse and/or violence.
We offer services at all four Calvert County Behavioral Health locations: Chesapeake Beach, Prince Frederick, Barstow, and Lusby.
To request more information or schedule an appointment: 410-535-5400, x384 Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Hotline available 24/7 through Calvert Crisis Response: 1-877-467-5628
Crisis Planning
This service helps individuals seek ways out of volatile situations through safety planning, crisis referrals, psychoeducation, and shelter services. We can also assist with information regarding the legal system.
Individual Therapy
Our licensed therapists are trained to treat children and adults who have experienced trauma related to physical, verbal, sexual or emotional abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence.
Safe Harbor Shelter
Safe Harbor is a residential shelter for abused individuals and their children. The primary purpose of this facility is to provide a supportive shelter experience for the family to establish its own healthy living environment. In collaboration, Calvert County Behavioral Health offers access to mental health and substance use treatment, as well as provides parenting education.
A significant aspect of the shelter experience for children includes a respite from witnessing violence. The time spent in shelter can illustrate how a peaceful, non-threatening environment encourages a healthier resolution for conflict.
Please contact Calvert Center for Change for more information on Safe Harbor Shelter at 410-535-5400, x384.
Volunteer Advocate Program
Volunteer advocates provide critical information to a victim so he or she can better understand their options. They may also assist with safety planning and referrals to community resources, assistance applying for and obtaining protective orders, assistance to victims whose protective orders have been violated, information about the criminal justice system, information regarding alternate safe housing for the victim and their pet. They may also provide accompaniment to the hospital when seeking a sexual assault forensic exam (SAFE).
Please contact Calvert Center for Change about Volunteer Advocate opportunities.
Advocacy and Accompaniment
Advocates can provide accompaniment 24 hours a day for the following services:
- To seek Protective Orders during court proceedings
- To CalvertHealth Medical Center for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault
Abuser Intervention Program (AIP)
Mission Statement:
The goal of the Abuser Intervention Program is to increase the safety of survivors of abuse, hold offending individuals accountable, and promote positive change toward non-violent behavior.
Abuser Intervention Program is a twenty-eight week program for individuals legally involved in domestic violence situations and referred by the court. Groups are two hours in length. This program can be billed through the participant’s insurance. A cash payment option is also available.
The AIP curriculum presented in two stages:
Stage I is a highly structured educational group lasting at least eight weeks, and educates the individual on violence, power, and control in relationships.
- Stage II begins the process of confronting abusive behaviors and learning more positive, non-violent responses and behaviors.
Topics covered include:
Emotion regulation, triggers of aggressive behavior, communication skills, alternative responses, acknowledging responsibility, relationship issues, motivation and obstacles to change.
Calvert Crisis Response
Calvert County Behavioral Health’s Calvert Crisis Response is available 24/7 to provide behavioral health services and immediate opioid treatment at no cost. Our Mobile Crisis Team (MCT), a component of Calvert Crisis Response, consists of a medical provider, a counselor, and a peer recovery specialist who are dedicated to providing you with the resources and help you need. Our extensive coordination with local partners and agencies in Calvert County allows us to help streamline access to the best comprehensive care to begin the journey of recovery.
If you or someone you know is in need of urgent substance use or mental health treatment, contact Calvert County Behavioral Health’s Calvert Crisis Response team. Our Mobile Crisis Team has the ability to respond to locations within Calvert County. Call us 24/7 at 1-877-467-5628.